Why can’t all people be like our best friends -those that listen, seem to understand, and offer just the right amount of love and guidance? Think about a recent phone call or meeting with someone you like to be around. Someone you trust, care about, and whom […]
Read more →I work with many senior leaders, and I listen as they speak negatively about millennials. They talk about this age group in terms of entitlement or that they were spoiled with soccer trophies as kids. And that seems so unfair. Ever use the word “spry” or “geezer” […]
Read more →Recent comments from Joe Cavallo and others, have inspired me to do a review about creativity and decision-making. In May 2017, Harvard Business Review, Srini Pillay MD and CEO of the NeuroBusiness Group, wrote a very interesting article summarizing new research in the area of gaining creativity. […]
Read more →Last week we reviewed the power or safety on one word. The word “why” may create defensiveness and unintentionally poor communication, as the listener may feel threatened. What is one word that can instead lead to leadership safety? What is a word that builds up the listener, […]
Read more →So you wanted to lead people and be the manager. Congratulations! And be careful what you ask for. So often the idealistic image of what promotion into management role means and the raw reality are drastically different, and it tends to be a collision. I have asked […]
Read more →If you have a big project due in two weeks, do you think about it for 1 ½ weeks, and then rush to finish it on time? How’s that working for you? Are you approaching most tasks with anxiety, fear, too much thought, and then racing to […]
Read more →Are you lying to me? – Probably. University of Massachusetts psychologist Robert Feldman has studied lying, and has reached some startling conclusions. Most shocking is that 60% of people lie 2-3 times during a typical 10-minute conversation! Most of the people in Feldman’s studies didn’t even realize […]
Read more →Q: What do the U.S. Navy, Blue Angel pilots, and Radio City Music Hall Rockette dancers have in common? A: Synchronization Building successful business teams is not like swim teams, where individual contributors’ points are rolled up into one team score. Rather, business teams results are only […]
Read more →In a study by Dr. Lynn Adler (Forbes: 2013) reporting the Life Secrets of Centurions, over 500 people older than 100 were studied. Can you guess their answer to these two questions? A. What was your favorite age? B. What are you doing today to increase your […]
Read more →You made it! You are at the top of the heap, a newly minted Manager/Director/VP or CEO – congratulations!! You are now 1-2 actions away from becoming a jerk. As we rise, all the accolades of our once friends, and also our family, quickly pull us back […]
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